
The Future of Education Reform Symposium RSCON4 2013 Revisited

I had a blast! When I was formally invited by Shelly Sanchez Terrell, my mentor, my angel, my first reaction was Yes! This is what I´ve been looking for these past two years. Since I came back from the US, my days as a teacher at "my school" have been really good, I had full support from administrators, lots of hugs from those who I hadn´t seen all the years I was out of the country. My baby daughter was only two years old, she started Kindergarden, my son was ready for High School and I felt I needed to do something different: teaching is great but my inner adventurous soul needed to evolve, develop my skills as an educator: I had gained a lot of experience during my twenty-five years as a teacher in Argentina and in the USA. So now...what?
After that formal invitation, days went by smoothly but I started to see more names added to the list, Big people, important educators from all over the world, so I panic! Freaked out! I messaged Shelly to tell her I was too scared to do this. She cheered me up! and then October 11 found me with a sick daughter, few hours of sleep, feeling stressed but...seeing this group of WONDERFUL ORGANIZERS I knew I was ready to present for the first time in my life!.
Here I am, full of pride and re-charged to end my school year by December 20. Will I get there too? Will I survive? I sure will, I am a believer. Why should I not believe? Here is why I or anyone should believe:
I am extremely thankful for those who helped me and trusted me! So, if you were at the Conference as an organizer or as a volunteer, presenter, friend, moderator, attendee, colleague this is for YOU:

You can find the recordings to all the presentations here:

My humble presentation on SlideShare:

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